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Portugal Faces Its Worst Wave Of Wildfires In Over A Decade

Portugal faces its worst wave of wildfires in over a decade

Over 100,000 hectares destroyed as heatwave fuels several fires across the country

More than 3,000 firefighters and soldiers are battling the blazes, aided by firefighting aircraft

Portugal is experiencing its worst spate of wildfires in over a decade, with more than 100,000 hectares of land destroyed amid a heatwave gripping the country.

Emergency services are deploying 3,000 firefighters and soldiers to tackle the blazes, along with specialist firefighting aircraft.

Eight districts are currently on red alert, including the tourist destinations of Faro in the south and Leiria in the centre. The majority of the wildfires are located in the central and northern regions, with high temperatures and strong winds exacerbating the situation.

On Wednesday, the government declared a state of emergency. The country's meteorological office has put out a weather warning for several districts in mainland Portugal, with temperatures set to reach as high as 44 degrees Celsius (111 degrees Fahrenheit).

The Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, has visited affected areas and appealed for international assistance from the European Union. "We have never had so many simultaneous fires and of such intensity," he said.

The European Forest Fire Information System has warned that "extreme" fire danger levels are forecast for Portugal in the coming days.

The wildfires have already led to the evacuation of several villages and isolated rural communities. There have been no reports of fatalities so far, but dozens of people have been treated for burns and respiratory problems.

The Portuguese government has declared three days of national mourning from Saturday for the victims of the wildfires.

Wildfires are common in Portugal during the summer months, but the intensity and scale of this year's blazes is unprecedented. Climate change is contributing to the increasing frequency and severity of wildfires in the country.

According to a 2020 study, Portugal is the third most vulnerable country in the world to extreme wildfires.
