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Border Skirmishes Between The United States And Pakistan


Border Skirmishes between the United States and Pakistan

Tensions Escalate in the Region

The border skirmishes between the United States and Pakistan refer to several military confrontations that took place between the two nations during the Cold War era. These clashes occurred primarily along the rugged border region separating Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Post-Cold War Context

During the Cold War, Pakistan had allied itself with the Western Bloc led by the United States against the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union. However, tensions between Pakistan and the US escalated in late September 2011 after several Pakistani soldiers were killed and injured in an attack by unmanned drones operated by the US. This incident further strained diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Shift in US Strategy

In response to the rising influence of al-Qaeda and its presence in the region, the US government developed a new counterterrorism strategy. The core goal of this strategy was to "disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaeda and its safe havens in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Historical Context

The US-Pakistan relationship began during the Cold War era. Pakistan was deeply conscious of the power disparity in the Subcontinent and sought support from the United States to counterbalance India. The US, on the other hand, saw Pakistan as a strategic ally in the fight against communism.

